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PIMS Members benefit from 10% further saving on already competitive rates. Our preferred partner is Alan Boswells; who currently insure over 50,000 properties Get a Quote

About Alan Boswells

Alan Boswell Insurance Brokers has an enviable presence in the residential sector and is recognised as one of the leading independent brokers in the market.
We've arranged competitive insurance cover for UK Landlords, Landlord Associations and Landlords for over 30 years and look after £7.5 billion of assets in the commercial and residential property sector, currently arranging cover for more than 50,000 properties.

We have been working with Landlords and Letting Agents since 1998 offering the same personal service and great range of quality products and services we have built our reputation on. We recently beat stiff competition to win best Landlord and Letting Awards Supplier at their national awards.

We are part of the Alan Boswell Group with over 220 staff based across five UK locations. Find out more.